Your Hometown Solution for Arkansas Deposition Services

Work with a proven professional with over 20 years' experience.


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Court Reporting

Realtime, daily copy, rough drafts, or expedites are not a problem.



Our local videographer partners can sync your video to the transcript and output to whatever format you choose.

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Remote Depositions

Our Zoom techs can handle everything from sending out links to marking and displaying exhibits so you can focus on your deposition.

Book Directly with an Experienced Arkansas Steno Reporter

Get the quality transcripts you expect at a fair price.

ABOUT - Shyloa Myers, RPR, AR CCR No. 710

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As a certified court reporter since 2001, Shyloa has no problem handling dense technical testimony and expedited transcripts.

Shyloa networks with local videographers and videoconference techs that have served the Arkansas legal community for years.


Book your court reporter, videographer, and Zoom tech all with one click, call, or email.


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 293

Benton, AR 72018

Conference Rooms Available:

400 West Capitol Avenue
Suite 1700
Little Rock, AR 72201